Apr 16, 2007

For I and D

I have no idea if you ever will read this post.. but If you ever do you will know:

I have no words to explain how lucky I am to know you!!

Happiness is taking my shoes out when I get to your home!
Happiness is eating your special ColdStone!
Happiness is to see how you fit 2gether!
Happiness is feel confortable in your couch!
Happiness is feel free to leave dvds in your table and ask for new musics!
Happiness is to see a movie that you want me to see!
Happiness is to say bye and know that I will meet you again soon!
Happiness is share precious moments with you!

"There's only us
There's only this
Forget regret or
Life is yours to miss
No other road no other way
No day but today"

1 comment:

Irina Ramos said...

Sabes... "Hapiness" e' ter a oportunidade de fazer os amigos felizes. Ha amizades que comecam com um potencial incrivel, alimentar esse potencial e' o mais facil.
Que nos mantenhamos assim tao parecidas e FELIZES para que a vida continue a trazer potenciais de luxo. I.