Damn it.. such a strange spring here!!
Saturday morning was time for doctor's appointment... not only for me but for E, and surprisingly for more two persons that we know and found at LensCrafters.
Other surprise was also finding a half-Portuguese working there. To be honest I didn't recognize her, it was E who told that she looked Portuguese, and he was right!!
The sun was shining so after it we had a little brunch and decided to take the chance of the good weather (while we had it) and go to the Zoo!! And another surprise, what about finding the cd from Tribalistas in E's car, and there was I listening to "Ja Sei Namorar" and "Velha Infancia" and reminding my 2nd year @ IST and our trip to Madeira!!!And finally we were at the Zoo!!Got our tickets and choose what to do, since they have many different areas. We have choosen the typical zoo and the African Side, but before we got there the first animal that I saw there was one chicken (just hilarious)!!
I don't remember that LxZoo has chickens, even though they are also animals!!!I particularly liked one turtle!! Almost in the end of the "african journey", in the
(the spider is for you N.)
In LxZoo (which I think has more animals) I feel like I'm in the city and that all those animals don't belong there, somehow I feel like in a fake environment.... But in this Zoo I felt like the stranger there. I was the one that didn't belong there... The zoo was built in one of the two big parks of
The last surprise of the day was finding a statue of William Wallace in the
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